USA: Dollar General plans to sell fresh produce in more than 10,000 stores
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USA: Dollar General plans to sell fresh produce in more than 10,000 stores

For 2024, Dollar General plans to offer produce in more than 5,000 stores, which the retailer said will give the value store chain more individual points of produce distribution than any other U.S. mass retailer or grocer.

  • Dollar General offers fresh fruits and vegetables in nearly 3,900 stores currently.

  • The value store chain plans to offer produce in more than 5,000 stores by 2024.

  • The retailer said this will give it more individual points of produce distribution than any other U.S. mass retailer or grocer.

Dollar General recently added produce to stores in South Park, Michigan; Sopchoppy, Florida; and Fort Payne, Alabama.

Dollar General offers fresh fruits and vegetables in nearly 3,900 stores and plans to offer produce in more than 10,000 total stores during the next several years. By January 2024, Dollar General plans to offer produce in more than 5,000 stores, which the retailer said will give the value store chain more individual points of produce distribution than any other U.S. mass retailer or grocer.

Additionally, Dollar General said a meaningful number of the new stores to offer produce will be in current U.S. Department of Agriculture defined food deserts. Dollar General’s produce offerings include the top 20 fruits and vegetables typically sold in traditional grocery stores — such as tomatoes, onions, apples, strawberries, potatoes, sweet potatoes, lemons, limes and salad mixes — covering approximately 80% of produce categories. The retailer’s grocery set also includes frozen and refrigerated foods, such as milk, cheeses and eggs. Last month, Dollar General announced it launched more than 100 new items this year — including a wider selection of breads, sauces, entrees, sides and snacks — as part of its broader strategy to provide customers with healthier food options. In turn, its Clover Valley private label brand has grown to include approximately 600 items, and consumables account for about 80% of Dollar General’s total sales.

As of May 5, the retailer operates 19,294 Dollar General, DG Market, DGX and Pop Shelf stores across 47 states and Mi Súper Dollar General stores in Mexico. The stores typically provide everyday essentials including food, health and wellness products, cleaning and laundry supplies, self-care and beauty items and seasonal décor.

Earlier this year, Dollar General expanded its supply chain in the U.S., adding new facilities in Nebraska, Georgia, Texas, South Carolina, New York, Arkansas, Colorado and Oregon. The discount retailer said the new Nebraska distribution center represented its first ground-up, dual distribution center, combining its traditional and DG Fresh supply chain networks, the latter focused on frozen and refrigerated products.

Additionally, Dollar General said it planned to invest about $100 million on its stores this year, primarily with expenditures in incremental labor hours to help it build sales momentum and capture additional market share.

Source: Retail Leader

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