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Turkey: 'Companies with the Highest Employment Increase' award to Şok Marketler

Discount Retail Chain Şok Marketler received an award in the category of 'Companies with the Most Increased Employment' in the Capital500 Research conducted by the monthly economy magazine Capital

According to the "Capital 500" survey conducted by Capital Magazine, which lists Turkey's largest 500 private companies, Şok Marketler won the third prize in the category of "Companies with the Highest Increase in Employment". The award ceremony, which was held on May 15 and attended by Şok Marketler senior executives, brought together the leaders of the business world.

Şok Marketler continued its investments in 2023 and managed to increase its total employment from 45,000 to 47,000. In addition to the recruitment for the 674 new stores it opened last year, warehouse investments played an important role in Şok Marketler's employment success.

Equal opportunity in employment

In 2023, Şok Marketler also came to the fore with its projects aimed at equal opportunities in employment. Şok Marketler, which was launched in 2019 to increase women's participation in the economy and contribute to equal opportunities for a stronger future, expanded its "I Am Also in Shock" project last year and offered handcrafted products produced by women from women's cooperatives in different regions of Turkey, especially in the earthquake zone, in selected Şok stores. The company, which made a great contribution to the production of the women's cooperatives it cooperated with through this project, also increased the employment of women in the cooperatives.

"We will strengthen our role in the growth of our country by continuing our contribution to employment"

Expressing his pleasure to receive this award, which is one of the prestigious awards of the business world, Şok Marketler CEO Uğur Demirel continued: "As one of Turkey's largest food retailers, we continue our investments within the scope of our sustainable growth targets. In 2023, we continued to create employment for our country with our recruitment policy, which we gave priority to candidates from the earthquake zone. As one of the companies that provide the most employment in Turkey, we build our understanding of employment on the basis of equal opportunity. With our successful practices and efforts towards equal opportunities, we are proud that more than half of our employees are women today. At the same time, we contribute to increasing women's participation in the economy and employment with our 'I Am Also in Shock' project.

With the Capital500 research, we have once again registered our significant contribution to employment. I would like to thank all my friends who contributed to this success, who work every day to do their job better and who contribute to our growth. As Şok Marketler, we will continue to contribute to employment by continuing our investments."

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