Own brand products, also known as "white label", already reign in the shopping baskets of Spaniards. According to the latest study on the subject of the German supermarket chain Aldi, the purchase of this type of references has grown more than three percentage points this year, already standing at 53.5% when in 2021 it did not even reach 50%.
The pressure of inflation on the pockets of families, whose purchasing power has decreased significantly in recent months, is the main reason for the significant growth of these products. Its lower price is the main reason that explains the increase in the purchase of own brand references, as stated by 66% of those consulted by Aldi. The best value for money (50%), as well as the fact that there is a greater number and variety of own brand products in supermarkets in recent years (41%), are other keys that explain its progress in recent years.
More spending
The fact that Spaniards are throwing more and more own-brand products in their shopping baskets has also led to an increase in spending on them to represent 43.5% of their total budget, 1.5 percentage points more than in 2022 and 3.4 points more than in 2021.
The rise in food prices, which have soared more than 40% since Pedro Sánchez governs, has led more and more families to opt for the white label to save on their purchases. Aldi has found that 46% of Spaniards declare that they have increased the consumption of private label products compared to 2022, which represents an increase of 15 percentage points compared to 2022 and 2021.
By categories, the most demanded private label products are frozen fruit and vegetables (85.3%), followed by eggs (80.4%), refrigerated beverages (80.1%), cellulose articles (76.8%) and cloths and cloths (74.3%). The private label has gained market share in eight out of ten product categories, especially in charcuterie, baby products and sparkling wines, according to the Aldi survey.
The German company is one of the most assorted of own brand has on its shelves. In fact, according to data from Kantar Worldpanel, it has contributed 10.3% to the growth in volume of the own brand during the last three years.
Upward trend
The rise of the private label has been important since last year. In the middle of the year, not only the Aldi study, but also another by Nielsen (43%) and another by EAE Business School (46%) already indicated that its market share had exceeded 40%. This same year, the consultant Oliver Wyman, in a study carried out in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Holland, Austria and Spain; places Spaniards as the Europeans who are most committed to private label, with more than 54% buying it to a greater extent to deal with inflationary tensions, despite the fact that six out of 10 respondents consider that private label products have become more expensive in a similar way to traditional commercial brands.
Kantar has also found that the strategy of the supermarket chains themselves is to strengthen their own brands in line with what many of their customers demand to cope with the increase in prices. The search for promotions or offers are other strategies now used more profusely by Spaniards to cheapen the shopping cart.
