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Portugal: Biedronka owner only believes in growth

Discount Retail Chains Biedronka and ARA's owner Jeronimo Martins pointed out that EBITDA exceeded EUR 2 billion, the company paid over EUR 1 billion in taxes, of which EUR 883 million in taxes in Poland. The company's capital expenditures in 2025 will amount to EUR 438 million in Poland and will be used to open new stores, modernize older outlets and launch the 18th distribution center.

"We believe in our business, in our business and its development, which is why we invest so much to keep consumers happy and to stay ahead of the competition," said Pedro Soares dos Santos, CEO of Jeronimo Martins.

We grow, earn more and pay more taxes

Jeronimo Martins is the 37th largest retailer in the world and its position has grown by 10 points over the year. Among food retailers, the company ranks 25th in the world, and in Europe, Jeronimo Martins is in 14th place (up 5 positions).The company employs 88,000 people in Poland and is the largest employer in the country. Last year, the company spent €354 million on bonuses for employees, up 13% year on year.

Strategy until 2030

Jeronimo Martins is currently creating a strategic plan for the next 5 years of development. It assumes the achievement of EUR 50 billion in sales by 2030.

The company notes and monitors all challenges that affect individual markets. "I am full of good expectations for the Polish market. Poland has a huge potential and great economic indicators. The challenge is the fertility rate, demography, economic pressure due to interest rates, inflation rates and uncertainty related to the situation of the Polish consumer, who is trying to save more and more instead of spending money," pointed out Luis Araujo, CEO of the Biedronka chain.

"We are facing geopolitical challenges, announcements of tariffs from the US, but our business is local, which means we source from local producers in Portugal, Poland or Colombia. And it should be noted that a retailer cannot develop without strong, local suppliers. For this reason, we believe that tariffs will not affect us too much. However, we have to wait and see what comes out of the current announcements. We try to prepare for storms and obstacles, because we see that the situation poses new challenges to us. That is why I believe that it is important to find a common voice for the whole of Europe on the most important issues. Without this, we will not be able to achieve a joint European success," concluded Pedro Soares dos Santos.

Slovakia as a new element

"Slovakia is one of the elements of our future growth. Our results in Slovakia after the first weeks of operation show that we have managed to create a proposition that is unique for European customers. The Slovak consumer is very similar to the Polish one, so we know how to promote ourselves there. We have a good feedbeak, the stores are full, consumers know us from shopping in Poland and ask about products they know from the Polish market, e.g. a selection of dumplings or alcohol," pointed out Luis Araujo, CEO of Biedronka.

The company has high hopes for this market, so far it has observed less competition than on the Polish market and a good reception of the offer by Slovak consumers, whom it wants to get to know better. - What is important is the fact that the expansion is carried out by a Polish company, not a Portuguese one. This is an important element - said Luis Araujo.



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