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Netherlands: Action makes refrigerants circular with L∞P by Daikin

Discount variety Retail Chain Action (owned by 3i Group) is taking another step towards a circular economy. The company is taking the step to replace combustion heating systems with low-carbon heat pumps and to recover gaseous refrigerant from the refurbished stores for reuse in newly built stores. Thanks to the L∞P by Daikin program, new Action stores will fully support a circular economy of refrigerants: instead of generating more waste by throwing away the old refrigerant and producing something new, they will reuse what is available.

In collaboration with Daikin, Action successfully reused 312.27 kg of allocated refrigerant gas in 15 stores in Europe in 2020. The two companies set up their partnership in early 2019 with one common goal: to reduce environmental impact and support a circular economy. Following their initial success, Action has incorporated this initiative as part of their Action Social Responsibility strategy and is committed to further expanding the partnership with Daikin in 2021, with the aim of collecting refrigerant gas from approximately 40 stores.

How does the L∞P by Daikin program work?

The L∞P by Daikin program reuses refrigerants from existing systems and upgrades them to new quality. Refrigerants are no longer treated as waste, but are reused in new Daikin systems offered to the network of customers, such as Action.

Daikin declares, supported by an external audit, that the amount of refrigerant recovered from Action stores corresponds to the amount of refrigerant used in new certified stores. In this way, Action is assured of both the quality and quantity of the reclaimed refrigerant used in their stores.

Working together on a sustainable future

Action proves that offering products at low prices does not preclude our being environmentally and socially conscious. Thanks to the partnership with Daikin, new Action stores will support the circular economy approach, reduce environmental impact and avoid the production of new refrigerants.

The L∞P by Daikin program fits perfectly with the ambitions of the European Green Deal Circular Economy Action Plan, which aims to reduce waste and material use across Europe. By partnering with Daikin and the L∞P by Daikin program, Action proves that retailers are perfectly capable of becoming more sustainable every day. Michiel Coolen, Action Group Construction Manager: “We are now seeing the impact of our partnership with Daikin. It is an absolute success to collect more than 300 kg of refrigerant gas in more than 70% of our renovated stores by 2020. We are therefore pleased to continue our collaboration and intensify our activities to include more stores in this program in the coming years and to create a closed circle of refrigerant use within the Action network. "

Mr. Toshitaka Tsubouchi, Vice President of Daikin Europe: “The main principles of the L∞P by Daikin program are simple, but the contribution to the environment is enormous. Our program eliminates the production of 250,000 kg of new refrigerant per year by giving Europeans access to reclaimed and reclaimed refrigerant. We are pleased that a company like Action has discovered our program and integrated it into their own processes and we hope to inspire many others to make the same positive choice and help us recover the vast amount of available refrigerant in existing plants. "

Daikin's L∞P paves the way for a sustainable future

Daikin sees the program as part of their path to achieving their own environmental vision 2050. It pledges to reduce its carbon footprint while striving to reduce CO2 emissions to near zero. To achieve this, a circular economy, innovation and smart use are the steps on Daikin's path. The program is a perfect example of a circular economy, harnessing the entire ecosystem of Daikin and its business partners across Europe. L∞P by Daikin also illustrates how the HVAC industry can take action and provide customers with a sustainable choice for their heating and cooling systems.


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