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Italy: Penny opens new logistics hub

Discount Retail Chain Penny Italy (owned by the German REWE Group) opens the doors of its new logistics DC in Cascine di Buti, Pisa, destined to serve the discount brand's stores in Tuscany and central-northern Italy, for a total of over 90 stores. The works, which began in May 2021 and ended just over a year and a half later, have grounded an excellence, equal to an investment of 32 million euros.

The building of the Distribution Center, of about 23,000m2, was built on an area of 86,000 m2 with an additional building capacity of 10,000m2 and is located in the industrial area of Cascine di Buti, along the Bientinese road that connects the municipality of Altopascio to the municipality of Pontedera. The new warehouse will replace the Altopascio warehouse, which supplied about 60 stores and whose workforce will be totally reabsorbed into the Buti site. The goal of the new structure, where more than 120 employees will work, is to increase stock capacity and make operational capacity more efficient and widespread.

Energy efficiency and a fully sustainable structure are just some of the strengths of the new Ce.Di. Made in line with a green logistics policy. Technologies with low environmental impact have been considered, from the energy that is used to the occupation of the land, from water consumption to the emissions produced.

More in detail, the photovoltaic system, with a capacity of 400Kwh for self-consumption, is designed to meet about 35% of the process needs; the use of heat pumps to replace gas boilers; natural refrigerants such as Ammonia and Co2 for refrigeration systems, which have respectively a GWP over 100 years equal to 0 and 1 compared to current freon refrigerants with GWP > to 1774. Energy efficiency and low impact on the environment are also guaranteed by the recovery of thermal heat produced by heating and hot water systems and by the recovery of water from groundwater wells for the fire and irrigation system. Only alternative materials to concrete were used for the building, intended only for the main structures, floor, pillars, beams. In addition, more than 200 trees have been planted and about 20 thousand square meters of green areas have been destined for green. The location of the Centre has also been weighted based on a logic of proximity to the commercial network, which will allow to lower the distances and consequently the emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere.

"We are proceeding with the renewal of our logistics network as the Italian territory in its entirety is for PENNY a strategic objective of extreme importance", underlines Gotthard Klingan, Chief Operations Officer of PENNY Italia, "and this inauguration, which follows by a few years that of the logistics center of Pantano d'Arci, in Catania, is confirmation of this. We are flexible to the changes that the market and social, political and environmental events impose on us, optimizing and making more efficient the sales network, which is the link with our customers. I believe that this new structure should be framed in this direction, but more generally we can say that responsibility and innovation are our priorities at the moment".

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