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Italy: MD to increase its turnover by 1 billion in five years.

Updated: Apr 9, 2022

Discount Retail Chain MD SpA (Italian family Podini owned) is the third player on the market in the discount convenience format but is distinguished by congenital characteristics that still today allow it significant revenues and excellent profits. In 2020 its turnover (sum of revenues from direct stores and sales to affiliates) was Euro 2.845 billion (US$3.1Bn) and, in fact, today it is the fifth company in terms of revenues in the national mass market retail after Esselunga, Lidl, Coop Alleanza 3.0 and GS Spa; In just five years, the Campania-based company has increased its turnover by around 1 billion euros (US$1.1Bn), a success that Mediobanca, in a recent publication, has also noted with interest. This article, and a subsequent one, will tell in detail who the MD group is, who operates on the market, what are its characteristics, its numbers, 2020 turnover ranking for large-scale retail companies in Italy. Source: Web App GDONEWS Benchmark On Line on AIDA data

MD operates on the market both directly with about 600 direct stores, with which it develops over 80% of turnover and over 200 affiliated stores, and the overall turnover of the group in 2020 was 3.1 billion euros (US$3.4Bn), according to estimates by the GeoRetail platform. Like its main competitors, expansion continued into 2021 with the opening of 22 new direct stores, as well as seven new stores owned by affiliated entrepreneurs. There are over 800 total MD stores throughout Italy, with a very strong presence in the south where it is the main follower after Eurospin.


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