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Germany: Action Germany is reaching 1 billion euro in revenues

Updated: Dec 14, 2022

Dutch Discount Non-food Retail Chain Action (owned by UK based Private Equity company 3i Group) also benefits from the ongoing price increases for many foods and the high energy costs.

As many people see a discounter as cheaper. Action is an international discounter that mainly sells non-food products. The group is now represented in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic and Spain and operates over 2,000 stores across Europe and employs over 63,000 people. Last year, Action generated sales of more than 6.8 billion euros in Europe. The Dutch company describes itself as "Europe's most popular non-food discounter" and is currently also the fastest growing non-food discounter in Europe. The range includes around 6,000 products. The promise of Action is: “Small prices. Great joy". Heiko Großner has been the managing director since spring 2022.

Action is looking for new locations.

Action's goal is to reach one billion in sales by next year at the latest. In addition, they want to be even more present and active in this country. The company is currently looking for new space or locations like no other.

Areas of approx. 700 sqm or more are preferred. In the last few years alone, 40 new branches have been added. The 500th Action branch is to be opened in 2023. In Germany alone, Action was able to post sales of an estimated EUR 950 million last year. The goal of the first billion in sales in 2023 is therefore within reach. Its strongest competitor, Tedi, has four times as many stores, but does not have as high a turnover per store as Action.

High inventories to fight delivery issues.

In contrast to many other competitors, Action takes the route of high inventories to counterbalance any delivery problems. Approx. 40 percent of the ranges are from Europe, approx. 60 percent from Asia. The aim should also remain to always have the cheapest price on the market. In addition, customers are also offered a comprehensive range of private labels.

It remains to be seen whether Action will also venture into e-commerce in the next few years. There are currently no plans here, as the aim is to offer customers more of a shopping experience in the stationary branches. A Click & Collect system was only introduced during the "hard" Corona period, but this no longer exists. One can therefore look forward to further expansions of the company, which was founded in 1993, in the Netherlands.



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