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France: Shoppers want minimizing effort - maximizing comfort

In this period of constraints, customer expectations are mainly focused on the essential: minimizing effort (price / time / trust) - maximizing comfort (pleasure / relationship with the brand / ethics, etc.). In terms of customer experience and feedback, this month's winners are therefore brands capable of having it both ways: Picard (only offering frozen products) is 1st in terms of effort AND comfort! In another register, the discounters are celebrating: discount retail Lidl chain (6th in effort and 7th in comfort), but above all discount retail chain Aldi which gains 5 places - better check-out and less breaks… Discount non-food retail chain Action finally tears off from the bottom of the table, with an improved experience on the items of physical course and promotional pressure. None of these three brands has an online offer ...

Other local brands are in unison. Like Carrefour Proxi with an exceptional comfort score (2nd), or like Proxi U, being solid on both counts. Monoprix confirms its place in the top 10, by multiplying initiatives in all channels and by improving its promotional image.

In this context of uncertainty, brands that present less engaging experiences find themselves in the “soft underbelly” of the ranking. Carrefour Market (13th and +5) achieves a good score in terms of shopping pleasure but remains poorly perceived on the aspects of buying time and price. Carrefour Hyper (16th) clearly improves its payment score, one of its black spots but remains poorly rated in the store routing and grouping. Conversely, Hyper U (14th) offers a good customer experience in its stores (3rd) but suffers from a lag in online performance: desktop, mobile apps.

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