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Colombia: "Owners of savings" Makro's new campaign

Wholesale chain Makro (owned by German Metro Group), which has been operating in Colombia for more than 26 years, begins the year by launching its new campaign 'Owners of savings', with which it seeks to make it easy for consumers to save in its 22 stores nationwide or through online sales channels. Makro will invest US$39.8 million to open up to four stores this year in Colombia.

With this campaign, it is sought that both the professional client and a family or a person with some whim or desire, can buy in its stores, which offer a wide assortment of products and different purchase options according to their needs, both in quantity and per unit.

The new campaign also offers multiple digital channels for online purchase of its products such as, where the customer can choose between the store pick-up service, available in the 22 stores nationwide, or Makro Homes, available in 8 stores. In addition, consumers can also place their orders through the Rappi and Cornershop platforms.

"Owners of savings" bases its strategy on the omnichannel relationship, savings by quantity and unit, and renovation of its stores, which means that the more a customer buys, the cheaper the next unit they buy will be, depending on the reference specific. In addition, as is customary in Makro, no document will be needed at the entrance or at the checkout to pay for the products.

Makro is the place where those who sell buy, as are professional clients such as restaurants, hotels, cafes or bars. With this innovative strategy, anyone can buy bakery products, charcuterie, canned goods, legumes, grains, meat, cava, among others. In addition to the strategy, every day of the week you will find offers from different categories and sections of the store. For example, Mondays, during the month of January, are for cleaning; on Tuesdays discounts on own Private Label brands, on Wednesdays on fruits and vegetables, on Thursdays on breakfast products and on Fridays on liquors and charcuterie. In the case of the weekend, on barbecue Saturdays, grilled beef cuts are made available to customers, and Sunday is the day of the fishmonger, among other offers. This is so that consumers can show that in Makro they are the owners of savings and will enjoy the usual stores, but now remodeled. In conclusion, shopping at Makro gives you access to high-quality products every day.

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