USA: Dollar General preps to open $35M cold storage center in New York
EU: Aldi completes European roll-out of reusable crates for fruits & vegetables
Colombia: Portuguese owned bulk discounter Bodega del Canasto opens 49th store in Colombia
Netherlands: A-brand discounter Nettorama takes over Boni supermarkets
Workshop: DRC at Coca Cola event
USA: Dollar General announces planned expansion into Montana state
UK: Discounters keep on making big double digits in UK
UK: DRC interview with The Grocer magazine
UAE: Discounters are on the rise in the Middle East
Research: How UK prices compare to five EU countries
Poland: Colombian products reaching the Polish market by Biedronka
Canada: Dollarama profits skyrocket as consumers visit more often for bigger purchases
Research: Massive shift in food shopping habits as prices soar
UK: Variety discount retailer B&M forecasts higher 2024 core profit
USA: Trader Joe’s embraces digital scarcity amid grocery’s e-commerce rush
USA: Why Trader Joe’s is leaning into its lack of digital presence
Colombia: discount keeps on growing rapidly
UK: Private-Label sales in UK growing twice as fast as branded products