Netherlands: Action is now worth more than AHOLD after profit jump
Turkey: Şok Marketler continues its steady growth
Croatia: DRC speaks on the Leaders of Trade event in Zagreb
Germany: Lidl is pushing ahead with its expansion
UK: Lidl attacks Coca-Cola head-on with Christmas truck
North Macedonia: KAM to boost sustainability efforts with €6m EBRD loan
North-Macedonia: KAM Market opened the doors of the largest logistics centre
USA: Grocery Outlet to refocus on value to right the ship
Poland: Moja Biedronka and Lidl Plus are the most popular loyalty programs
Poland: Biedronka is taking its first step into the world of gaming
Poland: Lidl is taking the next step in the process of automating shopping
UK: Lidl makes big changes to store layouts and adds self-checkouts
Poland: Biedronka wants to take over the stores of a large Slovak retail chain
Poland: offline discounters lead the market
Poland: History of Netto Poland
Netherlands: Lidl ventures into hybrid meat products and introduces pea-minced meat mix
Italy: ARD discount aims for the future between digital innovation and new assortment range
Poland: Lidl runs on Biedronka's fuel