Germany: The 4 largest Germany's discount variety chains
Indonesia: MR DIY Indonesian to ut on IDX with $270 Million IPO
Germany: Lidl invests in a new large data center
Mexico: leading discount chain Tiendas 3B wins competition with Bodega Aurrera and Supercito
Poland: Aldi opened 60 new stores this year, and wants to maintain this pace
Morocco: Kazyon plans to open 150 new stores
USA: ALDI Leadership is deeply invested in Sustainability Journey
Philippines: O!Save vs. Dali competition intensify
UK: Lidl swings back to profit, will it maintain its position as UK grocery’s star performer?
Netherlands: Action is now worth more than AHOLD after profit jump
Turkey: Şok Marketler continues its steady growth
North Macedonia: KAM to boost sustainability efforts with €6m EBRD loan
North-Macedonia: KAM Market opened the doors of the largest logistics centre
USA: Grocery Outlet to refocus on value to right the ship
Poland: Biedronka wants to take over the stores of a large Slovak retail chain
Poland: offline discounters lead the market
Poland: History of Netto Poland
Italy: ARD discount aims for the future between digital innovation and new assortment range