Germany: Aldi liquidates self-checkouts due to theft
Germany: Aldi lowers coffee prices for its own private label coffee
Germany: Aldi Süd opens a virtual store on the web
Germany: Aldi Süd reaches 2,000 store milestone
Research: Aldi is the new German advertising darling
Germany: Aldi expands and automate its logistics site in Mörfelden-Walldorf
Germany: Aldi Süd rolls out self-checkouts from Diebold Nixdorf
Germany: Aldi launches 3rd XXL store
Germany: Aldi distributes leaflets via WhatsApp
Germany: Action Germany is reaching 1 billion euro in revenues
Germany: EC clears takeover of Stora Enso Maxau paper mill by Schwarz group
Germany: Interview Lebensmittelzeitung DRC Discount Retail Consulting GmbH
Global: Oxfam grocery retail check 2020; Dealing with human rights
Germany: Aldi honored for its VEGAN product category